Sunday, April 8, 2007


Today when I went upstairs in the Roosevelt Street house to see the attic room, I was greeted by a pair of terrified mourning doves. They were flying into windows in an attempt to get out, and it looked like things were going to turn sour quickly.

After an urgent call to the good folks at the Arlington Animal Welfare League (who picked up on the first ring on Easter), we opened all the windows and Dee was able to urge the birds out to freedom.

Now we know what it sounds like when doves cry: me screaming like a frightened child as I dive for cover.

1 comment:

Clementine said...

Dig if U will the picture, of 2 mourning doves in an attic...the screams of the homeowner cover them, can u my darling, can u picture this? Dream if you can a renovation, an ocean of goldfish in the backyard, those 2 mourning doves strike curious poses, they hear the screams, the screams of T and D and J and B....