Saturday, May 5, 2007

Vancouver Bound!

Our summer vacation plans are set: Vancouver, BC. We have a glorious week to see the sights, climb the mountains, walk the suspension bridges, and ride with tourists to see whales (that would be two summers running).

What should we do?


Clementine said... can count me out of the suspension bridge! That looks SCARY! I bet Dee and Jordan will love it - just like that crazy ride at the b'walk! Yikes. Now, the hiking looks divine, as does the whale watching, so I'd go with those two myself. Stay away from that guy in the Superman tshirt on the kids page - who is that guy? Are you going to take Jordan to the spot where you first realized you were going to have her - at that strange car-campground? I bet it's not too far. If I'm not mistaken Whistler is where P. Fish proposed to C. Fish...if you know what I mean.

Roosevelt Street In Exile said...

First, I did not recall that we learned of J's arrival at a car-campground. That sounds a little back of the Chevy, if you know what I mean. Was that outside of Seattle?

Max Derlmeister said...

Have fun. You know L Thompson was there while pregnant with J. She was roughing it with some local native people in a longhouse, grizzlies down by the river etc. Egads. I was like, the Grizzly Lodge? OK. Get a king and a hot tub, I'll be right there.

emfink said...

Oh how I long to go to Vancouver. And to stay there. Of course, as you might imagine, my British Columbia dreams mostly involve fly fishing.