Sunday, March 11, 2007

Billy Goat Trail

Saturday, J. Roosevelt, B. Roosevelt and I hiked the Billy Goat Trail. This is a fairly difficult hike, just on the other side of the Potomac on the Maryland side of Great Falls Park (technically the C&O Canal National Historic Park).

Here is a video from the New York Times describing the trail.

The BGT meets the hiking criteria that the kids have laid down: a hike must involve scrambling over rocks and traversing precipices that make it impossible for a mother to watch, for fear that one of her children will plummet to an unfortunate end. No walks in the woods for these maniacs.

We made it through relatively unscathed. B's face did become intimately familiar with the shape of one boulder, and J's stomach similarly planted itself on a rock. But all in all, it was a great hike.


Max Derlmeister said...

I couldn't open the NY Times video, but it sounds great. So far we've only gone a couple times with both kids - Tom in the backpack of course. Hopefully we'll get out there again soon. I'm so happy it's almost Spring. These kids really tie you to the weather.

Clementine said...

I finally had a chance to watch the NYT video. Looks awesome - that little beach area reminded me of Hamilton Pool, kinda. They forgot to say "Don't forget your first-aid kit!"