Tuesday, March 20, 2007


My new phone claims I can use any song as the ring tone. As with everything in my life these days, this presents the torture of seemingly unending possibilities. (To wit: apparently 3,000 choices of faucet style is not enough in modern America?)

So, what is the perfect, oh-so-cool, yet not-trying-too-hard song that could be my ring tone? It should have some connection to the phone, it seems. Also it should not be overly embarassing when it rings in a business setting.

I admit I am terrible at this type of puzzle. My brain immediately refuses to think of anything phone-song related as soon as I need to think of one.

So far, all I have come up with (which I admit to kind of liking) is "Hippy Johnny" by Jonathan Richman, which starts out:

I, called this number three times already today.

But I got scared, I put it back in place. (I put my phone back in place)

I sure don't know if I should have called up.

Look just tell me if I'm out of place.

Or maybe, "Dignified and Old," also by JoJo:

My telephone never rings

She'd never call me

I hate myself today

But I can see through this bitterness and sadness

And so I won't die

Someday I think I'll be dignified and old

I'd have to answer quickly on that last one . . .

What do you think? What is the perfect Ringtune?


Clementine said...

How about "Hello" by Lionel Richie? Ha ha ha. What about "Hello I love you" by The Doors. Or "Call Me" by Blondie. Maybe you should just google "Phone call songs" or something.

Roosevelt Street In Exile said...

Ha! Lionel Richie would be hilarious!

(I did so google and came up with a bunch of adds for ring tones.)

emfink said...

Well, here are my thoughts on mobile phone ringtones. But, if you're determined, here are a few nominees (in no particular order, and chosen, I hasten to add, for their thematic aptness and not necessarily their musical appeal):

"Hanging on the Telephone" -- Blondie

"Telephone Line" -- ELO (or, if you prefer, the SHELO version)

"Mr. Telephone Man" -- New Edition

"Telephone Blues" -- R.L. Burnside

"Sex Over the Phone" -- The Village People

"Cellphone's Dead" -- Beck

"Ring Ring" -- ABBA

Max Derlmeister said...

Telephone Song by SRV & brother Jimmy, from album "Family Style". Yes, I said album. Shut up.

Off the Hook, Rolling Stones version.

Or here, try getting this one out of your head - come one everyone, sing it with me:

"8-6-7-5-3-0 ni-ee-iing."

You're welcome.

Roosevelt Street In Exile said...

We have a winner!

(of course, I tried to set the phone to "ring" like a telphone, but it just keeps reverting to the T-Mobile preset horrible ring.)

cerealguy said...

eric, you are a youtube wizard. And though I'm not old enough to have seen R.L. Burnside at all, I was lucky enough to catch both Blondie and Jonathan Richman in their late-early heydays. I saw Blondie during the Parallel Lines tour (must have been 1978 or so and they were incredible) and Jonathan Richman at about the same time--he was just embarking on the mature phase of his return to infantilism. He pointedly ignore heckled requests for I'm Straight. I think that would be a fabulous ringtone; not sure, however, how it might fit into the whole work culture thing. How about Pablo Picasso?
ps. I'm cerealguy's dad, pejsek.